Saopštenje za javnost
Sarajevo, 09. august 2019. godine
Ključ sreće – Humanost kroz objektiv
SOS Dječija sela BiH i grupacija Alfa Energy objavljuju foto-konkurs pod nazivom “Ključ sreće”. Pozivamo amaterske i profesionalne fotografe da svoj talent stave u službu humanosti kako bi zajedno pružili podršku SOS Dječijim selima BiH.
Kroz prizmu foto objektiva, svojom fotografijom, učesnici foto konkursa će „uhvatiti“ trenutak i pokazati nam šta za njih predstavlja ključ sreće. SOS Dječija sela BiH ističu da je „ključ sreće“ za svu djecu – porodica, a u posljednjih 25 godina, pružaju ljubav, sigurnost, obrazovanje, toplo porodično okruženje i mogućnost za bolju budućnost djeci.
Stručni žiri foto-konkursa će odabrati 20 fotografija, između kojih će 3 najbolje biti novčano nagrađene. Prva nagrada iznosi: 500 KM, druga nagrada 300 KM i treća nagrada 200 KM. Uz novčane nagrade, partner takmičenja Plus Computers je obezbjedio dodatne poklone. Konkurs je otvoren do 01. septembra 2019. godine. Fotografija sa najvećim brojem lajkova prikupljenih u periodu od 02. do 13. septembra 2019. godine, objavljene na Facebook stranici ”Alfa Energy Group”, će također biti nagrađena posebnom nagradom partnera. Fotografije se šalju isključivo u elektronskom obliku, na e-mail: Konkurs je otvoren do 01. septembra 2019. godine.
Odabrane fotografije će biti izložene na svečanoj aukciji koja će se održati 24. septembra 2019. godine u Hotelu Swissôtel, uz prisustvo predstavnika kompanija i poslovne zajednice. Sav novac prikupljen od prodaje fotografija biti će doniran za potrebe rada SOS Dječijih sela BiH.
”U nizu godina zajedničke saradnje sa SOS Dječijim selima BiH, ove godine smo odlučili otići korak dalje i pokrenuti pozitivan društveni trend. Želimo podsjetiti poslovnu zajednicu na njenu ogovornost prema društvenoj zajednici. Kupovinom fotografija na aukciji, kompanije će napraviti svoj korak prema odgovornom odnosu prema zajednici.” – Faris Kreso, direktor SEE, Alfa Energy grupacija.
„Alfa Energy grupacija, već dugi niz godina vrlo posvećeno podržava rad SOS Dječijih sela BiH, uvijek iznalazeći inovativne načine da u filantropske aktivnosti uključi što veći broj ljudi, od top menadžmenta, uposlenika, preko poslovnih partnera, posebno vodeći računa o potrebama i željama djece i mladih. Kao prijatelji su nam dragocjeni, sretni smo i zahvalni što su na ovaj način odlučili animirati širu poslovnu zajednicu“ dodao je Damir Ćorić, v.d. Nacionalni direktor SOS Dječijih sela BiH.
Za više informacija o ovom događajuju posjetite
Pravilnik foto-konkursa ”Ključ sreće”
Pravila učešća foto-konkursa organizovanog od strane SOS Dječijih sela BiH i Alfa Energy Group, na temu “Ključ sreće”:
Za urednike:
SOS Dječija sela International su internacionalna organizacija koja već 70 godina djeluje u 135 zemalja širom svijeta, na svih 5 kontinenata, pružajući podršku prvenstveno djeci bez roditeljskog staranja kroz porodični model brige, ali i svoj ostaloj djeci kroz Programe jačanja porodica, edukativne programe, zdravstvene centre, škole i druge aktivnosti u zajednicama.
Alfa Energy Group je međunarodna grupacija koja se bavi strateškim savjetovanjem komercijalnih potrošača energenata. Sa kancelarijama u Londonu, Čikagu, Frankurtu i Sarajevu, ova grupacija se već 20 godina brine za efikasno upravljanje energijom svojih 4.000 klijenata. Alfa Energy Group je članica Britanskog poslovnog kluba u BiH.
Partneri projekta:
Press release
Sarajevo, 9 August 2019
“The key to happiness” – Humanity through a lens
SOS Children’s Villages of B&H and Alfa Energy Group are announcing a photo contest titled “The Key to Happiness.” We invite amateur and professional photographers to put their talent to the service of humanity in order to support SOS Children’s Villages of B&H together.
Through the prism of a photo lens, the participants of the photo contest are encouraged to capture moments that represent their own key to happiness. SOS Children’s Villages of B&H emphasize that the “key to happiness” for all children is family, and for the last 25 years, they have been providing love, security, education, a warm family environment, and opportunities for a better future for children in their care.
The judging panel of the photo contest will select 20 photographs, of which three best-scoring photos will receive cash prizes. The first prize is 500 BAM, the second prize is 300 BAM, and the third prize is 200 BAM. In addition to the cash prizes, the partner of the competition, Plus Computers, will be providing additional gifts. A photo with the highest number of likes collected from 2 September to 13 September 2019 on the Alfa Energy Group Facebook page will also be rewarded with a special prize. Photos are to be sent exclusively in electronic format to the following email – The competition is open until 1 September 2019.
The selected photos will be exhibited at a formal auction on 24 September 2019 at Swissôtel, to representatives of the company and the greater business community. The money raised from the sale of the photos will be donated for the needs of the SOS Children’s Villages of B&H.
”After several years of cooperation with SOS Children’s Village of B&H, this year we have decided to go a step further and launch a positive social trend. We want to remind businesses of the responsibility that they have towards humanity. By buying a photo at the auction, companies will take a step towards positive corporate social responsibility, ” said Faris Kreso, SEE Director, Alfa Energy Group.
“Alfa Energy Group for years has been very dedicated to supporting the work of SOS Children’s Villages of B&H and is always finding innovative opportunities to have more people in philanthropic activities, from top managers and employees to business partners, especially taking into account the needs and desires of children and young people. As friends, they are dear to us. We are happy and grateful that they have decided to animate the wider business community in this way,” added Damir Ćorić, National Director of SOS Children’s Villages of B&H.
For more information about this event please visit
Photo Contest Rules “The Key to Happiness”
Rules for participation in the photo contest organized by SOS Children’s Villages of B&H and Alfa Energy Group on the theme of “The key to happiness”:
For editors:
SOS Children’s Villages International is an international organization that has been operating in 135 countries worldwide on 70 continents for 70 years, providing support primarily to children without parental guidance through the family model of care, but also to all other children through Family Strengthening Programs, educational programs, health centres , schools and other community activities.
Alfa Energy Group is an international energy consultancy specializing in energy cost management. With offices in London, Chicago, Frankfurt and Sarajevo, this group has for 20 years been motivated to provide deep knowledge of the markets and care for more than 4,000 clients worldwide. Alfa Energy Group is a member of the British Business Club in B&H.
Project partners: