If your business is seeking to reduce its energy use, increase efficiency and reduce costs, it is essential to do so through an energy management system (EnMS). Implementing and then monitoring and maintaining an EnMS is no simple task. It is therefore essential to follow a set of guidelines specifically designed for this purpose. This is where ISO 50001 accreditation comes in.
The ISO 50001:2018 standard is one of the most widely recognised set of EnMS guidelines available. Getting certified will enable your business to develop energy policies that reduce the amount of energy you use, set energy use targets, increase business efficiency, improve access to and use of data and ultimately reduce costs.
Alfa provides a range of services to support the route to ISO 50001 accreditation.
Alfa Energy’s consultants begin your ISO 150001 accreditation with a gap analysis to establish what processes are in place and what needs to be done to meet the requirements of the standard.
The gap analysis will cover all the clauses of the ISO 50001 standard, including:
In addition, the analysis considers whether the organisation’s significant energy consumption (in buildings, processes and transport) are covered. This is required by the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS), a mandatory energy assessment scheme for large organisations in the UK. This is important as many ISO 50001 systems tend to exclude transport.
Once the gaps are clearly understood, we work with clients to create and document a bespoke EnMS. Our consultants will assist with implementation of the processes described in the new EnMS in line with ISO 50001.
Alfa Energy’s consultants will also assist you with energy audits and internal audits of your ISO 50001 procedure. This work prepares you for the final visit by an independent auditor who will verify that your EnMS is being implemented correctly. Once this is confirmed, the independent auditor will recommend that your business is ISO 50001 accredited.
Alfa’s energy and sustainability platform VISION can be utilised to meet the energy monitoring requirements of ISO 50001. For more information and to request a demo, please click here.