Alfa Energy Group

Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting

The Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) scheme replaced the Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC), but it is fundamentally different in principle and operation.

Learn more about SECR and how it changes business practices and emphasis on environmental performance.

Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR)

SECR applies to all UK quoted companies and qualifying unquoted companies. An unquoted company qualifies if it meets at least two of the following three thresholds:

  • 250 employees or more
  • £36 million in annual turnover or more
  • £18 in annual balance sheet total or more

To comply with SECR, qualifying companies must include a section in their annual Directors’ Report detailing their energy consumption and associated emissions. The minimum requirements for which energy streams and associated emissions to report differ for quoted and unquoted companies. All companies must also choose an appropriate intensity metric to contextualise their emissions. Companies must report the previous year’s figures for comparison and describe ongoing energy efficiency action the organisation is taking.

The SECR regulations provide guidance, but do not specify how companies should report their energy consumption and carbon emissions or the choice of intensity metric.

SECR requires quoted companies to report their global Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions and the energy consumption that underlies those emissions. They must also report what share the UK has in those global figures. Unquoted companies must report as a minimum their UK energy consumption related to electricity, gas, and transport and the Scoped emissions associated with those energy streams.

How can Alfa Energy Group help?

Alfa Energy Group’s Sustainability Analysts offer a compliance service for SECR. The service is intended to produce a report that can be inserted into the Directors’ Report as simply as possible. The service includes:

  • Data collection and management for the reported energy streams and emissions sources
  • Production of an energy and carbon report to GHG Protocol standards
  • Consultancy around which intensity metric(s) to choose
  • Statements of methodologies used and collation of energy efficiency action being taken

Alfa Energy Group is in a strong position to assist with Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) environmental reporting thanks to its experience in supporting other clients the compliance with the CRC and Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS). CRC, ESOS, and SECR share similarities in data collection.

The process can be supported by Alfa Energy’s VISION energy management portal. VISION integrates your various data streams, providing the ability to analyse large amounts of information at a glance, enhancing your ability to monitor emissions, report performance and energy consumption, and identify inefficiencies.

Listen to our podcast on Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) and how it changes business practices